Archive for July, 2022
Dear Director Wray,
It has come to my attention that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has informed several Missouri county sheriffs that they will be showing up in August to “audit” CCW permit holder records. The FBI states, “The audit includes an onsite review of your Concealed Carry Weapons Permits”… Let me be perfectly clear. Allowing federal agents from the FBI to have access to records of Missourians who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon violates Missouri law and infringes on our Second Amendment rights.
Missouri law specifically prohibits sharing this confidential list with the federal government. “Information retained in the concealed carry permit system under this subsection shall not be distributed to any federal, state, or private entities….” 571.101.9, RSMo. The people’s elected representatives passed this law after it became known that the Obama Administration wanted to know which Missourians had firearms, supposedly to establish who was entitled to federal benefits. We wanted to leave no doubt that the citizens of Missouri have a constitutional right to bear arms, and the federal government has no business poking around to find out their identities.
I was a state senator when this law was passed, and I proudly voted for it. In fact, we deliberately wrote the state law so that only the elected county sheriff had access to the CCW list you are trying to get. Here in the heartland, we elect our county sheriffs, who are members of our communities. The same cannot be said for your out of touch FBI.
You may wonder why there is such strong suspicion of federal agents here in the “Show Me State”. Simply put, Missourians are hardworking, law-abiding citizens who don’t need a national nanny-state keeping tabs on us. But more than that, over the last couple of years, we’ve seen story after story of incompetence and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. Our trust in your agency is at an all-time low.
Here are a few examples of how the Biden Administration and liberal “deep-staters” within the FBI have severely tarnished the reputation of this once well-respected agency. You famously targeted the parents of school children who showed up to express their concerns at school board meetings. Unbelievably, somehow this was done as an alleged violation of the PATRIOT Act.
In addition to targeting parents, your agency has targeted conservatives, most famously the witch-hunt against President Trump and his team. James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and others endlessly investigated fake allegations fabricated by the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic operatives. Yet while it persecutes conservatives, the FBI turns a blind eye to Democrats. The FBI inexplicably cleared Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing and has been sitting on evidence of criminal activity on Hunter Biden’s laptop for years.
Now the FBI appears to be targeting Missouri gun owners, and we will not stand for it. We believe in the Second Amendment here. So does the Supreme Court, as you may have seen in the recent landmark opinion. In New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, I led dozens of state attorneys general in filing a brief defending our Second Amendment rights, and we prevailed.
In light of all these facts, Missourians have concluded that the FBI leadership in Washington, D.C. has been weaponized for political goals. You have lost our trust and you seem to be completely indifferent toward trying to rebuild it. Instead, you announce that you will show up at the offices of our elected Missouri sheriffs in open and blatant violation of our state law and seek to find out who in Missouri holds a legal CCW permit. This is not going to happen. I will fight you tooth and nail with all the resources that the people of Missouri have given me as their Attorney General.
Very Truly Yours,
Eric S. Schmitt
Attorney General
Illegal aliens are being smuggled into America by OUR government, on OUR dime and flown all over the country into our cities. They do not need to get the ‘jab’ like American citizens are threatened to do if they want to fly, they do not need to show a valid ID like American citizens are required to do, they can bypass the search process at airports that American citizens cannot! Our government is at war with its legal citizens, WAKE UP AND REALIZE IT!!!
An email from our Friends of the Convention of States. Why not copy and send to your legislators in DC? 5450 words. Also, repealing the 16th and 17th amendments will go a long ways to corralling these snakes, rats and parasites in DC. They would FLEE DC VERY fast if they could be repealed….Just sayin’.
WE THE PEOPLE of the Convention of States movement declare that the United States government has failed to secure the rights of the American people as called for in the Declaration of Independence. Instead, the federal government, dominated by career politicians, has usurped power from the people and the states over many decades, effectively dismantling the principles of federalism that the founding fathers forged into the U.S. Constitution.
We now issue this Open Letter to the States to communicate our grievances with the federal government:
It has amassed a $30+ trillion national debt with $150 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
It regularly fails to balance its budget, as most states are required to do.
It is not held to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, as all businesses are.
Congress is not required to limit all bills to a single subject, as most states are, leading to massive omnibus federal spending bills.
Congress unconstitutionally delegates its sole authority to make laws to an unelected bureaucracy.
The judicial branch unconstitutionally encroaches on the sole authority of Congress to make laws by legislating from the bench.
The executive branch unconstitutionally encroaches on the sole authority of Congress to make laws through executive orders which change drastically from one administration to another.
Federal elected officials are accountable to their political parties and special interest groups rather than to their constituents.
Congress regularly oversteps its constitutionally limited powers in the areas of education, healthcare, energy, the environment and many more.
It has failed to secure the U.S. border, thus increasing drug and human trafficking and allowing a flow of illegal immigrants who become reliant on services funded by taxpayer dollars.
It has, at times, made efforts to undermine the Bill of Rights, weaken the justice system, disarm the populace, suppress free speech, regulate religious freedom, and control the mainstream media narrative.
The unconstitutional Department of Education promotes Critical Race Theory (CRT) and radical sexual/gender ideology in schools.
It promotes woke ideologies as a replacement for Judeo-Christian values and patriotic national identity.
Federal officials make prominent government appointments on the basis of race, sex, or sexual orientation rather than strictly on legitimate professional qualifications.
It employs destructive Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scoring, which run counter to a free market economy.
Congress and unelected bureaucrats force health mandates upon the citizenry.
Federal officials execute unconstitutional government surveillance of law-abiding citizens.
It suppresses domestic energy independence, causing high fuel prices, food shortages, national blackouts, and dependence on imports from unfriendly countries.
Federal officials attempt to embrace international treaties that threaten the sovereignty of the United States and override domestic laws.
Federal officials weaponize federal agencies to suppress political opponents.
Federal officials have threatened to dismantle the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court.
In addition, the federal government has squandered the wealth of its citizenry through unfair and excessive taxation in the name of unconstitutional social programs, an excessive welfare state, expenditures for political gain, and massive deceitful spending disguised as a rescue strategy.
On September 15, 2022, we will recognize the 235th anniversary of the unanimous adoption of Article V into the Constitution, and we, the undersigned, believe Article V holds the key to correcting these and other abuses of power.
Article V defines the process for amending the Constitution. Amendments can be proposed by Congress with a 2/3 vote of each house or by a Convention of the States when requested by 2/3 (34) of the state legislatures. Any proposed amendment, whether proposed by Congress or a Convention of the States, must be ratified by 3/4 (38) states before it becomes effective as part of the constitution.
We hereby call on our elected state legislators to exercise their authority under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose amendments that Congress would never propose – placing fiscal restraints on the federal government, imposing term limits on federal officials, and limiting the power, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government.
Nineteen of the 34 necessary states have already exercised their constitutional authority to call for an amendment-proposing convention to restrain our out-of-control federal government.
We, the undersigned, hereby urge the remaining states to rise to defend our Republic against the growing threat of a tyrannical federal government and reclaim their rightful constitutional powers by calling for a Convention of States.
Convention of States Action is a 501c(4) non-profit organization working across the nation to encourage state legislators to call an Article V Convention of the States in order to limit federal government authority and return power back to local and state governments and, above all, to The People, from which government derives its authority.
NOTE, I sincerely hope the number of states needed come together to make this happen!!
Massachusetts police chiefs should no longer deny or impose restrictions on licenses to carry a gun just because the applicant doesn’t have a “good reason” to carry, the state’s attorney general said in light of a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
Attorney General Maura Healey released guidance Friday for police chiefs in the wake of the decision overturning a gun-permitting law in New York. Under that law, New York residents needed to show proper cause, or an actual need, to carry a concealed handgun in public for self-defense.
Healey’s guidance says that Massachusetts police chiefs can still find applicants ineligible for a license if they are a “prohibited person,” or if the chief deems the person unsuitable to carry a gun because they would pose a risk to public safety.
Police can also still ask applicants their reasons for applying for a license to carry. But they can no longer deny or restrict licenses because they believe the person doesn’t have a “good reason,” according to Healey’s office.
“Going forward, if an applicant is not a prohibited person and is not unsuitable, the applicant must be issued an unrestricted license to carry,” the guidance from Healey, a Democrat, says.
*Massachusetts’ law says those deemed suitable can get a license to carry if they show “good reason to fear injury” to themselves or their property “or for any other reason,” including “for use in sport or target practice only.”
*Massachusetts courts previously ruled that if someone can’t show a “good reason to fear injury,” police chiefs can put restrictions on licenses that allow them to only carry in certain circumstances.
*In some communities, applicants have had to show they have a reason to fear injury that distinguishes them from the general population in order to get an unrestricted license. If they didn’t show a good reason, licenses were restricted for certain purposes, like hunting and target practice.
*Last three paragraphs; NOTE: (This just changed as of 6-30-22, as noted in first paragraph above)
Mark Shean, 7-5-22
In the wake of SCOTUS ruling that you have the right to carry a gun in public for self defense, and not to have to prove “just cause” to any public official to exercise your Right protected in the Second Amendment, New York communists have gone crazy.
They hastily drafted a ‘law’ with many new infringements to circumvent SCOTUS! None of which will pass judicial muster when challenged. I will look at one. These communists decided that a license applicant will have to give a list of all his/her social media handles, so that officials can see what kinds of things are posted, and they will determine if the person is a good character or not.
So not only are they infringing on your 2A Right, but they will also use your 1A Right as a weapon against you if they don’t like your opinions that you posted! Who will get to decide that? Sounds like censorship of one Right to cancel another Right by some shadowy ‘official’.
Oh, they also require for you to turn in all social media handles of anyone living in your house and their contact information, so they can check their opinions on social media. If someone in your home says something ‘officials’ might not like, they will deny you your license because you probably think alike….
Overreach? YES. Unconstitutional? YES. Stand up in court? NO. These communists will be learning very many costly court lessons soon. The so-called law they threw together is far more onerous, I only gave an example here.
Your Freedoms are ALWAYS under attack! Pay attention and fight back, or you will lose them!
Mark Shean, 6-3-2022
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Our Second Amendment.
The ‘left’ always says/claims the Second Amendment was written for the Militia only.
When the Constitution was written we did not have private armies.
The PREREQUISITE to a well regulated militia was for the individual, the People, to keep and bear arms, and therefore constitute that militia, males from age 16-60.
Shall Not Be Infringed referred to the Peoples Right to have and keep firearms not being infringed upon. That was the clearly understood prerequisite.
Happy 4th!