Archive for March, 2012

The requirement to obtain permits in order to conceal a personal handgun may soon come to an end in 12 states where lawmakers are currently debating the permit requirement.

Supporters of the measure argue that crime rates are already low in Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming, states where a carry and conceal permit is not required. Gun-control advocates on the other hand believe the measure is part of a long-range strategy to weaken gun control laws in the United States.

In the meantime gun-control advocates worry that buyers will purchase and carry guns in public even when they have no experience shooting the weapons they buy. Opponents also worry that police officers will be at an increased risk of encountering bad situations in which concealed firearms play a part in their decision making processes.

States currently considering the no permit law include: Colorado, Iowa, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virgina, according to the NRA.

The first state to jump into the mix appears to be South Dakota after lawmakers last week created a law allowing anyone 18 or older with a valid state driver’s license to carry a concealed weapon following a clean background check, that bill is still awaiting final approval from Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard.

Other states have various laws already being argued in their respective houses and senate that would allow for non-permitted gun carry.

Do you think permits should be required for conceal carry or should a cleared background check be enough for anyone 18 years or older to hide a gun on their person? Leave your comment/opinion.

 Gun bill is an assault on our right to bear arms, Richard Lewis, Weymouth 
GateHouse News Service


It is embarrassing and disgraceful that some Massachusetts legislators are hell bent on destroying the Constitution and established law.

State Rep. Timothy J. Toomey of Cambridge in January filed one of the most insidious gun control bills in the country. Toomey’s bill would force most law abiding gun owners in Massachusetts to make a choice between loosing their legal ability to own a gun, or become criminals.

   H.665, requiring certain insurance policies for persons with firearm licenses, is inconsistent with recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings and a recent Massachusetts House proclamation supporting the Second Amendment.
   The first step in exchanging real freedom for a more controlled, or limited freedom, like in other countries, is to limit our gun rights, our Second Amendment. This bill is not about insurance, it’s about oppression. It would put a terrible infringement of our basic civil rights into law.
   Hopefully, voters will wake up in 2011 and 2012 and remove all politicians who, like Toomey, would help destroy this state and our country with bills and laws like this.


Mark’s NOTE: Not one politician ever elected in this country was ever given a mandate to strip Americans of any of their Constitutional rights, no one has ever run on that platform, they have NO magical mandate to do so now. Remove from office every charlatan who thinks he/she does!
Gun control column reeks of anti-Americanism,  Richard Lewis, Weymouth
GateHouse News Service


As a veteran of the U.S. Air Force for almost nine years who took a lifetime oath to “preserve and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” I have learned to recognize the enemies of freedom almost instantaneously.

    Michael Kryzanek’s Feb. 5 column on further restricting the Second Amendment (“U.S. could learn from other nations’ gun policies”) reeks of anti-Americanism, naivety and deceit.

   This is a perfect example of how a domestic enemy thinks and expresses their agenda.
This display of foolish and arrogant hatred of the Second Amendment is so typical of today’s “intellectuals” and progressive politicians.
    Their continued attempts to confuse the uninformed with their “facts” to try and prove their socialist, progressive point of view never ends.The target audience here is his empty-headed activist college students, as well as other elitist university professors and liberal politicians.
   Their constitutional right to spew this socialist agenda in the The Patriot Ledger is solely and completely dependent upon our Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and our rights as outlined in the Massachusetts Constitution, “The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
   This is not too difficult for anyone to understand, not even for a college student or professor.
   A free people can only continue to live free if we pass on to our progeny the rights to live as the founders of this strange and wonderful country intended, through truth and common sense.
Our rights are not negotiable.
  If and when the American people become too apathetic and lazy to fight to keep them, then America will change. Our children and grandchildren will curse us for allowing the socialist progressives to win.
Mark’s NOTE: The Constitution is only as strong as the current generation that protects it, SO PROTECT IT!


Federal judge says gun owners need not provide ‘good reason,’ rules Maryland law unconstitutional

Published March 05, 2012

BALTIMORE –  Maryland residents do not have to provide a “good and substantial reason” to legally own a handgun, a federal judge ruled Monday, striking down as unconstitutional the state’s requirements for getting a permit.

U.S. District Judge Benson Everett Legg wrote that states are allowed some leeway in deciding the way residents exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms, but Maryland’s objective was to limit the number of firearms that individuals could carry, effectively creating a rationing system that rewarded those who provided the right answer for wanting  to own a gun.

“A citizen may not be required to offer a ‘good and substantial reason’ why he should be permitted to exercise his rights,” Legg wrote. “The right’s existence is all the reason he needs.”

Plaintiff Raymond Woollard obtained a handgun permit after fighting with an intruder in his Hampstead home in 2002, but was denied a renewal in 2009 because he could not show he had been subject to “threats occurring beyond his residence.”

Woollard appealed, but his appeal was rejected by the review board, which found he hadn’t demonstrated a “good and substantial reason” to carry a handgun as a reasonable precaution. The suit filed in 2010 claimed that Maryland didn’t have a reason to deny the renewal and wrongly put the burden on Woollard to show why he still needed to carry a gun.

“People have the right to carry a gun for self-defense and don’t have to prove that there’s a special reason for them to seek the permit,” said his attorney Alan Gura, who has challenged handgun bans in the District of Columbia and Chicago as an attorney with the Second Amendment Foundation. “We’re not against the idea of a permit process, but the licensing system has to acknowledge that there’s a right to bear arms.”

In his ruling, Legg wrote that Second Amendment protections aren’t limited to the household.

“In addition to self-defense, the (Second Amendment) right was also understood to allow for militia membership and hunting. To secure these rights, the Second Amendment’s protections must extend beyond the home: neither hunting nor militia training is a household activity, and ‘self-defense has to take place wherever (a) person happens to be,'” Legg wrote.

“Judge Legg’s ruling takes a substantial step toward restoring the Second Amendment to its rightful place in the Bill of Rights and provides gun owners with another significant victory,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “The federal district court has carefully spelled out the obvious, that the Second Amendment does not stop at one’s doorstep, but protects us wherever we have a right to be.”

The lawsuit names the state police superintendent and members of the Handgun Permit Review Board as defendants. A spokesman from Maryland’s attorney general’s office was not immediately available to comment.

Many states require gun permits, but six states, including Maryland, issue permits on a discretionary basis, Gura said. In most of those states, these challenges have not succeeded in U.S. District Courts, but they are being appealed, he said.

“Most states that choose to regulate the right to bear arms have licensing systems that are objective and straight forward,” Gura said. “That’s all that we want for Maryland.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Mark’s NOTE:   Under ‘reason‘ on gun license application put: American Citizen, born and raised, why?

Reprinted here for your consideration, 3-6-2012

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