Archive for October, 2014

From the author of GUN SENSE, now rated #1 on Amazon.

GUN CONTROL…… You know, actually there is a constitutional procedure to remove or change any part of the Constitution, All it takes is 2/3rds of all 50 state legislature’s to ratify the change and it becomes law.

Instead of trying to usurp the Constitution why don’t the ‘progressive’ liberals simply remove the Second Amendment constitutionally? Do you know the answer to that? I know the answer to that, the progressives/liberals/communists/democrats/socialist’s , whatever name it is that they want to hide behind this month know that real American patriots will never allow it, and the lie that `gun control` will stop crime is just that, a lie.

It is about CONTROL period, every dictator throughout history worth his weight in lies knows the best way to control the masses is to first disarm them. Any American that does not want to own a firearm has that freedom of choice, but as an American he or she should support and defend his fellow Americans God given right to self defense and Constitutional right to do it by way of firearms if they so choose. It is an American birthright.

Now stop splitting hairs scheming about abolishing America’s gun rights, taking my firearms will not stop ONE criminal from committing a criminal act, and if so-called ‘democrats’ decide to be in an honest debate they would concede that, only that does not mesh with their little agenda. We are on to your statism game.

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty, suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force you are ruined. PATRICK HENRY-

Mark Shean and Son

The Ma. E-FA10 form is a transfer of ownership form, it is not gun registration. When you buy a firearm at the gun store, or from an individual, you need to fill out the E-FA10 form online now, by law, to transfer ownership of that firearm. If you did not do that in Ma. you would be committing a felony. See ‘Notice’ 20 lines down as to why this is not registration. See (GS#36) and……

To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the Gun Sense series, it is available as an Ebook and a Paperback at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.


Gun Sense #42, Legal Resident Aliens, (Federal Law) and license info.

Question: Can a LEGAL Resident Alien apply now for an LTC, (license to carry) in Massachusetts ?

Answer: Yes, a Legal Resident Alien (so-called ‘green card’ holder) can apply for an LTC on the SAME BASIS as a citizen.  It is the result of the federal court, Fletcher v. Haas decision, found here: …….

To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the Gun Sense series, it is available as an Ebook and a Paperback now at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.