Archive for June, 2010
I see in the Patriot Ledger the other day that our ‘glourious’ governor has proposed a gun bill, and is trying hard to push it through the legislature before the legislative session ends July 31. This gun bill would limit legal, law abiding, gun license holders from buying more than one gun per month. It would also take away our right to sell guns among ourselves, as we have done for decades, with the proper paperwork obtained from the police department, instead makeing us go through a gun dealer so that we will need to pay additional fees and taxes on each transaction. Something, I am sure, offered as a bone to the gun dealers so as not to fight this legislation.
This bill only targets the law abiding citizen, I can say this with complete certainty, as we are the only ones who can walk into a gun store to legally buy a gun in Massachusetts’s. The criminals don’t have a gun license, therefore cannot buy a gun legally anywhere, at any time! How will this stop gun crimes? Answer; it will not do a thing to stop even one gun crime, ever. And like the other three nit-wit states that have passed this foolishness, there are NO statistics to show gun crime has been curbed, and there never will be.
Under this bill, lawfully licensed people who buy more than one gun a month would receive a maximum fine of $1000 and a 2 1/2 year jail sentence on a first offense! That is tougher than the state is with repeat drunk drivers or perverts that molest our children! This bill is specifically aimed at legally licensed gun owners that have already jumped through the ‘hoops’ in order to exercise a RIGHT under our Constitution! You know, I think that for a second offense, our ‘glourious’ Representatives should consider reinstating the Death Penalty, that seems reasonable to me………how about you?
I read that Mary Elizabeth Hefferman, Deval’s secretary of ‘public safety’, claims that “anyone who has entered a plea by reason of insanity, or has had a mental health hearing in the court system would be prevented from getting a gun license”. Nothing wrong with that, but she goes on to say, “right now, that information is not kept in a database accessible to licensing authorities”. That is a falsehood, or, if she really believes what she said, she is not qualified for her job. By law, it is a requirement that doctors, who make these assessment’s, are to report this information, and that it is stored in the (NICS) National Instant Check System. Come now, dishonesty, in order to get an anti gun rights bogus bill passed? Has that ploy ever been used before? Is that our elected servants working in our best interest folks? If you think so, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale……..
Here is an interesting question our ‘glourious’ servant’s have not touched upon in this bill. What if there are multiple, legal gun license holders in one family, under one roof, lets say…. five people. That would mean each person could buy one gun per month under this bogus law. Wow five guns per month, 60 guns per year, oh my God! The humanity! Think of the children! Crime run amok!
I think it is time for the governor to put his energies towards important issues like the economy and jobs, leave lawful citizens alone. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment is the law of the land, what part of “shall not be infringed” is it that politicians like Deval Patrick don’t understand? Please read the two quotes below, in your mind which one best reflects our ‘leaders’ , and how they like to “operate” today. Mark Shean, written 6-28-10
“It will be an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it” -GEORGE WASHINGTON-
This next quote is from the founding leader of the Russian Communist Party. ” It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed“. Vladimir Lenin
You decide. MS
“It will be an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it” -GEORGE WASHINGTON-
“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States” -NOAH WEBSTER-
“The Constitution shall never be construed…to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms” –SAMUEL ADAMS-
“To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them” –RICHARD HENRY LEE-
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined” –PATRICK HENRY-
“Arms discourage and keep the plunderer in awe, they preserve order in the world as well as property…horrid mischief would ensue were the law- abiding be deprived of the use of them” –THOMAS PAINE-
“There are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation’s” –JAMES MADISON-
“Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God” –BENJAMIN FRANKLIN-
“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government” –GEORGE WASHINGTON-
In 1774, British Brigadier General Lord Hugh Percy, stationed in Boston, commented,“What makes an insurrection here always more formidable than in other places is that there is a law of this province which obligates every inhabitant to be furnished with a firelock, bayonet, and a considerable quantity of ammunition“.
NOTE: I am sure that this same view, now, because of our Second Amendment, also ‘troubles’ all those ‘progressives’, (democrats) who would like the United Nations (ATT) Arms Trade Treaty to be passed, not only to disarm us, but to strip away our national sovereignty, and to turn us from being citizens into easily controllable ‘subjects’ to push around, good luck. Americans are not pushed around for very long before they shove back……
Mark Shean, submitted, 6-24-2010
Forward NOTE: This was sent to me by Ed Sinnott, an old friend I have known since the 8th grade, after I had sent him a simple notice that I had put a ‘For Sale’ tab on my website. As part of the description I had mentioned that it was better than craigslist in that you could also put ‘evil’ guns for sale. That is what spurred Ed to send me this history lesson about, not evil guns, but instead evil men. I thought it would be nice to pass along for your consideration. So when you hear talk of ’Gun Control’ take a closer look at the people doing the talking, a very very close look.
Evil guns?
A funny thought, without them how much evil was in the world before the availability of guns to the common man? We take for granted that the industrial revolution made guns available to the average ‘common’ man.
Before that in our human history, the powerful rulers had control of the weapons, they only armed loyal men under their control. The men fought and died for the commands of a ruling class. It was said the Bill of Rights declared men to be equal and Samuel Colt and his guns made them truly equal. Disarmed men were easy to control when faced with armed men under the commands of a ruling class.
When the Founding Fathers wrote the Bill of Rights they fully understood what it was like to be under the rule of the rich, those that were armed and therefore powerful. They fully knew if there were armed citizens then and only then could they ever hope to protect themselves from these ‘EVIL’ men with their greedy ambitions. They knew of how ‘EVIL’ men planed, schemed, and wanted to exploit, control, and rule the now independent freemen of the newly formed United States.
By giving the common man the gun they hoped that men would have, and use when necessary, the equalizing tool called the gun to protect the principals of this new freedom. They also knew having every able man armed would help discourage any attacks from another nation. Having a fully armed citizenry would make for a sizable army. If there were to be a battle the men would also know the fight would be to keep them free, and not just to please a king. It was a good plan.
Now we face the even more insidious weapon of greed. It is through the use of money to manipulate and control us, to become subjects to a ruling class who has much of everything already under its control. It is this ‘EVIL” that is by far more deadly to any of us than any gun will ever be. This weapon of ‘economic control’ threatens our country, our citizens, and our future.
Sad, the gun will not do much to stop the evil greed of men who rule from a distance, and other countries as they lay our freedoms, economy’s and futures to waste without ever firing a shot…. All they need do to kill us is to adjust some numbers on a computer screen to change our money… all that we were, and ever could be….is gone forever…. The United States, the greatest hope for all mankind, will be lost because the gun could not find the target….of this evil.
Now a word from a Great American:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property- until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered”. –Thomas Jefferson-
Mark Shean,
posted on 6-14-2010
These are the ten Cardinal rules of firearm safety, you break any one of these and you or someone else could die, many have. Firearms are very unforgiving of mistakes or foolishness. The first mistake you make could be someone else’s last breath on earth. Red signifies: Extreme DANGER, especially in uneducated hands!
1. Treat EVERY gun as if it were loaded AT ALL TIMES! (crucial mindset, there is no such thing as an unloaded gun!)
2. MAKE SURE ANY gun you handle is pointed in a safe direction. (because it is loaded!) Never ‘assume’ otherwise!
3. NEVER point a gun that is loaded at anything/anyone you do not intend to destroy. (Proper mindset, remember, they are ALL loaded!)
4. Be aware that a round as small as a .22 LR bullet can travel up to a mile or more. (you must know where the bullet will end up or DO NOT take the shot!)
5. When target practicing ENSURE there is a backstop high enough and with no hard objects, to avoid ricochets.
6. ALWAYS ensure your firearm is UNLOADED and the action OPEN before ever handing the gun to anyone! Check it TWICE. (that person must then handle it exactly as if it were loaded!) People are killed by ‘unloaded’ firearms every year!
7. While hunting, ALWAYS unload your gun before climbing up or over anything, jumping ditches, or negotiating any obstacle in your way. (use good sense to avoid any accidental discharge)
8. While hunting ALWAYS be able to IDENTIFY your game first, OR DO NOT TAKE A SHOT!! (also, look beyond your game before shooting , if you see blaze orange DO NOT SHOOT, the deer/whatever is NEVER that important!)
9. NEVER shoot at or over open water with ANYTHING other than a shotgun loaded with bird-shot. Bullets from rifles and handguns will ‘glance’ off water causing them to fly wildly. (you can/will be held accountable for any negligence with a firearm)
10. Alcohol, Drugs, and firearms are a deadly combination, NEVER consume ANYTHING that will even mildly impair your judgement or physical coordination when you are about to use a firearm!!
A mechanical ‘safety’ on a firearm does NOT give you license to carelessly handle the firearm, anything man makes can break. YOU are the overriding ‘master‘ safety on ANY firearm that you handle!
Remember, Firearm Education will save lives, Firearm Ignorance can take lives. Please, pass these life saving rules on.
Sincerely, Mark Shean
Former NRA Law Enforcement Instructor
posted 6-10-2010
Below, questions to the firearm TEST: Firearm Safety Test with relevance to Ma.
Answers at Gun Sense #29,
1. A firearm is given to, or received from another individual with the action open whenever it is possible to do so? T F
2. Ammo must be stored in a locked container. T F
To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the #Gun Sense series, it is available as an Ebook and a Paperback at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.
GUN SENSE, Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!!
Hello, I am not a lawyer, If you want to research anything you may see here be my guest. This is my attempt to make certain that you will understand the two main criteria set down, at this time, on how we should handle firearms in Massachusetts. I decided to try and translate this from ‘lawyers legalese’ to common English, so that we mere mortals could then vaguely understand it. I believe that they are vague in order for the courts to ‘interpret’ them any which way they feel like interpreting them depending on the circumstances. NOTE: [Be aware, it is up to you to keep up on the murky gun laws if you own firearms…..
To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the #Gun Sense series, it is available as an Ebook and a Paperback at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.
Gun safety for anyone anywhere.
The paperback version Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!! Check out GUN SENSE now. $15