Archive for March, 2010

Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, long time speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress once declared, “all politics is local”. What he meant by this was that when it came right down to brass tacks the politicians would always vote in their own best interest to keep themselves in office. They would not do anything to jeopardize their cozy jobs, they would, at some point, actually listen to their constituents, you know, the people that elected them, those constituents! They would not allow bully tactics in D.C. to upset their little apple cart back home.

   In the wake of the health care vote that appears not to be the case anymore. An overwhelming majority of Americans, district by district, across the country(70%) said to their elected officials to vote NO on the health care bill, they were completely and utterly ignored. This flies in the face of political common sense. This flies in the face of why these so-called Representatives were even sent to Washington. They were sent to represent their individual districts, and that is all they are sent to do.

    Their districts spoke to obviously deaf politicians, and these politicians are willing to throw themselves on the sword of political suicide to push an unpopular agenda. They will pay for that arrogance. I have heard some politicians speak about the vote as being for the “common good”, they were not sent to represent the ‘common good’ whatever that means.  

    When Scott Brown was sent to D.C. from the bluest of blue states, put in the seat that a Kennedy left no less, it was a clear ‘cease and desist’ message on the health care bill, and for awhile it almost looked like the politicians understood the message. The People need jobs and that need has been ignored since the Dems, (progressives) took office, the problem is still being ignored, and the country is now in a steep downward economic spiral.

     Are you angry? I know you are, bring that anger with you to the voting booth in November!  Bring all your friends and relatives! Lets make ‘all politics local’ again!  This Marxist health care bill will be repealed as soon as a Republican President steps into office once again, replacing the ‘community organizer’s  ‘Amateur Hour’ in office now.-Mark Shean- written 3-26-2010

In the aftermath of the so-called Health Care vote, I give to you words of wisdom from one of Americas greatest Founders. ” Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” -THOMAS JEFFERSON- November, and retribution, can not come soon enough! Mark Shean- written 3-23-2010

    Dawn, 6AM, Sunday. This is the day that the Democrats, (progressives) in D.C. will take their historic vote on health care reform. The polls all show that the vast majority of Americans have said NO to this attempt at European style socialized health care. Polls taken from doctors show a very disturbing outcome, 50% of doctors say they will give up practicing medicine if this bill is passed. These doctors do not want to lose their decision making/patient doctor relationship to bureaucrat’s in Washington who have no medical backgrounds, do you? That should be very disturbing to most Americans, especially when there is already a shortage of General Practitioner’s.

    The progressives say they want thirty million people that do not have health care to be covered, they do not mention weather or not these people are citizens or illegals. They are more than willing to destroy health care of the majority of Americans, who like what they already have, for the sake of a few. The bill has over 2800 pages and has not yet been completed, so the vote will be taken on pending, unwritten information! So this is not just another case of pompous politicians not bothering to read a bill before they vote, they have not even finished writing it before they vote, a first!! This debacle was put online for America to read 72 hours before this vote was to be taken today, that alone smacks of deceit, the best speed reader, even if he could stay awake 72 hours would not have the time needed to read this monstrosity!

    A few things are known, (tip of the iceberg) for instance, there is a rider that would forgive all current student loans and the government would take over the student loan business from private institutions, what does this have to do with health care? We the tax payer would be saddled with paying off those loans! Politicians firmly believe that they can tax and spend their way out debt! No one outside of D.C. believes that. If you are opposed to abortion you will now be subsidising abortion through your taxes because of this bill!

” To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” THOMAS JEFFERSON

    Socialized health care anywhere in the world has always been an expensive, dismal failure, what makes these morons think it will work in America? Whether or not this bill is passed today, the intent to force this on the American People should be remembered in November at the polls. That will be a time for retribution on a very large scale! written 3-21-2010 by-Mark Shean-

 I don’t just answer questions, I give classes too, go to home page for details. The only published Firearms Instructor in Ma.

My #GUN SENSE book, Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!! $15

 I am getting more and more feedback from people around Massachusetts that have taken my State Basic Firearm Safety course, or took it somewhere else but could not get any answer(s) from where they took it, asking me about what they should say when the police chief of their town will not accept “Any Lawful Purpose” as good enough a reason for issuing the gun permit. He will issue them a restricted license for ‘target and hunting’ only, but later, they are told, if they can prove some good reasonto be issued an unrestricted license with a letter explaining ‘why’ you think you need an unrestricted  LTC the chief will consider it, but of course that can/will cost you another $100!

NOTE: ( My ‘Reason Letter’ is further down the page near the bottom in Bold type, you cant miss it ). Please read the whole page…… 

To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the Gun Sense series, it is available as an Ebook $10,  and a Paperback $15 at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.

Gun safety for anyone anywhere.
Took a year of work to publish and a lifetime of experience, check out my one and so-far only book!

  Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!! Check out GUN SENSE now. $15


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) on pushing through the Health Care bill, (without even one Republican vote);”We have to pass the bill so you can find out whats in it”quote unquote. Gee Nancy, wouldn’t it be better to know whats in it before its shoved up our a**e*  like an enema? And to think she is third in line from the Presidency! -Mark Shean- written 3-9-2010

    To the Editor: Recently I read an article in the Old Colony Memorial concerning the Plymouth Public Library. The article pertained to some doors that were in need of paint and the estimated cost, (we lowly tax payers would need to cough up) only a mere ten thousand dollars. This caught my interest having been a painting contractor at one time, I thought ‘gee’ there must be allot of doors! I continued reading and found that the article was talking about 8 doors! Ten thousand dollars for 8 doors! Eight doors, ten grand, that boiled down to one thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars per door, $1250.00, wow.

    I know that with a couple gallons of Rustoleum, for say, $50 from Benny’s, and a quality paint brush, for say another $20 along with two eight hour days of my time, including preparation, I could offer my services for a mere five thousand dollars. Look at all the money I could save the cash strapped tax payers of Plymouth! Id be very happy to do it. But then again we should be asking our selves, don’t we have a DPW complete with tax paid employees already on the payroll for an hourly rate of pay? Hand one of them the brush and paint and BINGO another saving to the tax payer of an additional $4600.00 dollars, total cost for 8 doors, $400.00, the second coat at no extra cost, total saved,$9600.00, again, wow.

     I think it is time the town manager should be elected, not appointed, I would run for town manager. Of course I do not have the piece of paper proving a college pedigree, therefore I would never be considered ‘smart’ enough to make the ‘tough’ financial decisions that a town manager obviously makes, like the cost of painting 8 doors, but I would give it an honest try.

    I find that the smarter one professes to be, via college degree in a government position, the easier it is to spend other peoples hard earned money. It is almost a certainty that who ever gets this gold plated ‘contract’ will inevitably be related to someone at the Plymouth Town Hall in some way, go figure. I am prepared for the critics who will claim that they want it to be a perfectly executed job, after all, the public will have to look at those doors for quite awhile, they should be visually pleasing to those with a ‘cultured’ eye for such things. In my ‘under educated’ experience, Ive noticed that most people just cruise through doors without paying any attention to them at all.

       I suppose we should consider the hypothetical ‘Smiths’ as they approach the doors. Oh my God, look Harold, these doors are not nearly as perfectly painted as the doors of the public restrooms! My God Mildred, your right! This is an affront and an insult to the delicate sensibility’s of all mankind! Let us lodge a strongly worded complaint to the management of this establishment! I suppose that hypothetically could happen, and the town manager is just trying to spare the town the utter embarrassment and scandal of epic proportions that could ensue should it occur. So in that light I guess the town manager is looking out for us after all, making the cost a silly consideration indeed compared to the alternative embarrassment that should be avoided at any cost.

   So I, on second thought, apologize for doubting the expertise of the town manager. Sincerely, Town of Plymouth resident and ‘under educated’ tax payer, Mark Shean-written 3-8-2010

     A couple of days ago Governor Patrick implemented a $5.00 fee/tax hike at the Registry of Motor Vehicles for all those who might actually have the gall to go there in person for basic services. Never mind that the fees collected already by the RMV are supposed to cover any expenses incurred for operating this state agency. It is not, and has never been intended to make a profit. After about a day of this punitive increase, (punitive because you would be charged extra for actually walking into your tax payer owned building, to use services from your tax payer paid government employees) it was rescinded by Gov. Patrick. Why was the $5.00 ‘fee’ rescinded? It was rescinded because many people raised the roof to their elected servants and those servants ‘suddenly’ became incensed and outraged, claiming that the increase was not fair to the fixed income elderly, or the poor whom could not afford computers to access the RMV!

       It is interesting to me that in an election year the politicians will listen to us peasants, maybe we should take advantage of this election year anomaly. We should now remind them we voted for the implementation of the death sentence that they refused to implement. How about remind them that we wanted term limits, that these embedded ticks refuse to make law. None of our ‘Representatives’ were the least bit ‘outraged’ when they increased the ‘fee’ for a gun permit from $25.00 to $100.00, a 300% increase! Gun owners on behalf of every citizen raised the roof over this increase, no one at the State House listened or cared. Put into perspective, five dollars at the RMV is chicken feed compared to $75.00. They should have been incensed over a 300% increase because it kept the same fixed income elderly, and the poor, (that they pretend to care about) from being able to afford what they should never have to be priced out of, their right to bear arms for self defense under our Constitution!

        Our ‘Representatives’, (and I use the term loosely) obviously decided that only those with the monetary means would be allowed to exercise their right to bear arms for self defense under the Second Amendment. Those who cannot afford it are at the mercy of the criminal element, now that is callous discrimination, blatant bias, and if you are a minority, racist! Obviously only those with enough money can exercise their rights and thus, are considered United States citizens in the view of our glorious ‘Representatives’? Maybe in an election year when many of them are jockeying for, and eyeing the Governors job, they are more apt to pretend they care? Many ‘Representatives’ have seen the writing on the wall and are ‘retiring’, (sure) this year. What it really boils down to is that they are trying to save face, to avoid publicly being axed by an irate and fed up public.

     This year I sorely hope the ‘lowly’ voter implements his own brand of term limits, at the voting booth. We need real Constitutional representation, not a bunch of self serving socialist ‘progressives’ in a one party state. -Mark Shean-written 3-6-2010

To listen to ‘progressives’ (Democrats) in office it is a only a privilege to own a firearm. Maybe they are talking about ‘somewhere else’ in the world, where there are dictators or Monarchies, certainly not here in the United States, or are they? I can find no ‘Bill of Privileges’ anywhere within our Constitution, if you can, please show it to me, it is possible that I overlooked it.

I will show you word for word, each oath to office that our glorious ‘leaders’ must take, first for the President, and then the one Congress takes.

Presidential Oath; I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, I will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. (So Help me God. -optional)

    The oath Congress swears is a bit different, it specifies they shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution, at the start of each new U.S. Congress, so it should be even more fresh in their minds. Everything considered, any person is only as good as his/her word, regardless of how much money or supposed status they may have.

This is the Congressional Oath; I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. (So Help me God.optional)

    In these United States it may be considered Treason or a High Crime to betray a sworn oath of Office. Our elected officials need to be reminded of this from time to time, lest they forget. Their oaths to office encompass our ENTIRE Constitution, this includes our Second Amendment, like it or not! If they try to unconstitutionally usurp our Right to bear arms, they have BETRAYED their oaths to office, period. And whatever stems from that betrayal will be of their own doing, and ultimately, their undoing.

Mark Shean-written 3-4-2010