Archive for September, 2009

   Under Article IV, Sec. I of the Constitution it reads…….”Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.” Note: This means that you will not, and should never need fifty drivers license’s to cross our United States. That all states will, and do, acknowledge formally a specified factual or legal document issued from any other state. Example; your birth certificates, your marriage license’s, and of course something connected to that danged inconvenient Second Amendment, I’m referring to your legally issued firearm license. It annoys politicians, it does not suit their purposes, makes it more difficult for them to make America a ‘gun free zone’, gee whiz !

   Under Art. IV Sec. I, you should never need more than one legally issued firearm permit, from the state in which you live, to be recognized by every other state! They, (each state) are ‘bound’ by the Constitution to honor the issuing states gun license to you. If you have passed the legal requirements, (background checks) etc. and have shown yourself to be a law abiding citizen as recognized by the licensing authority, why should you be treated any differently by any other state? That is a good hardball question to direct at your ‘Representatives’, especially at election time! Watch em squirm!

   We are AMERICAN CITIZENS,(emphasis added) our citizenship does not end at the state line wherein we live. Our citizenship is good from coast to coast! All our legal documents are good from coast to coast! Make that crystal clear to your public servants! Our so-called ‘representatives’ could not take the time to read the “stimulus bill” before voting on it and plunging us all into a black hole of debt. In my opinion, based on their actions, they have never bothered to read the Constitution either. I believe, judging by what I see and hear, their arrogance is starting to push the ‘buttons’ of millions of Americans.

   If politicians are stupid enough to continue disregarding the document that they swore to uphold, (the Constitution) just to gain public office, then they all need to be swept from office. Watch what they have done and do. NEVER  rely on what they say! We can vote for better people. We should all demand that every state respect our gun rights as American citizens! -Mark Shean-  written 9-30-2009

   If anyone has been paying any attention to anything other than sports they will know that Governor Patrick (D) has been given the green light from our Bacon Hill ‘representatives’ to appoint an interim Kennedy rump swab, to sit in the vacant Senate seat until a special election in January. That race will be for any candidate who can come closest to convincing the blue hairs of the state that he lives and breaths everything ‘Kennedy’ more than anyone else.

   The very same ‘representatives’ took the power to appoint away from Governor Romney while Kerry was running for President, just in case Kerry had won and his seat had become vacant. They were scared to death that Romney would have appointed a, gasp, Republican! And that their stranglehold on corrupt politics would be compromised. Our so called ‘representatives’ claim that they believe the good people of Massachusetts should not have any lapse in representation in Washington and that they are only looking out for the People.

   The media does not challenge the politicians at all with facts when they make this claim. If the media did their job they would point out to the politicians that while Kennedy was sick where was the concern that the People were not being represented? The media should have asked why no one had come forth to ask Kennedy to do the right thing and resign in the interest of the People’s right to have continuous representation? While Kerry was running for office where was the concern from the politicians on Bacon Hill that Kerry was neglecting his duty to represent the People for over a year!? Where were those questions from the media? When we now hear from our so called ‘representatives’ claiming they think its only fair for the People to have continuous representation in the aftermath of Kennedy’s death they are being disingenuous in capital letters! “Disingenuous”; {Insincere, a synonym of cynical or calculating, not straightforward, hypocritical}. Id like to cut straight to the quick and say exactly what they are doing, lying.

   The real reason that they suddenly pretend to think of the People is because they want that all important Senate vote that will push the health care ‘obamanation’ bill down the whole countries throat! Chicago politicians have nothing over Massachusetts politicians where corruption is concerned. Do you think our bailing out the banks and big corporations has been expensive up to this point in history? It has been, but socialized health care will make everything else look like chicken feed by comparison!

   When I hear people say the Government should provide health care for everyone, I know they do not understand in the least that the government does not have one penny to its name. The money the government spreads around with such reckless abandon is OUR money, the tax payers money! We are the government. And it is damned high time we reminded our servants in Washington of that FACT next November, that should be a day of reckoning. The embedded ticks, I mean politicians, can not be bothered to read big expensive bills that bankrupt our country, they just shove them down our throats, tax us ever higher to pay for them and say that they are looking out for us, do you still believe that crap?! -Mark Shean-  written 9=23-2009

Mark Shean Sr. author of #GUN SENSE, on Amazon.

On TV there is a lot of exciting action designed to keep you on the edge of your seat, but most importantly, for the TV executives, to keep their ratings high. TV is fun to watch but it can give the wrong impression more often than not. That can not be more true than when it comes to guns. TV entertainment never seems to go to the next level after a home invasion/shooting scenario. I talked about having a plan in my 7-13-09 #11 ‘Gun Sense article concerning home defense, among other important aspects.

First of all, I hope that you are never put in a situation to have to shoot anyone defending your family in your home, sadly this situation can be forced onto you. That said, I will touch on the aftermath of your use of a firearm defending your family and home. Previously, (in GS #11) I talked about having a plan should someone ever break in while you are home, I hope that you do have a plan. On TV or in the movies the criminal(s) kick in a door in the middle of the night and start going through the home. The good guy in the story takes his trusty firearm and calmly saunters through the house, he easily takes care of each criminal in turn. Of course the actor playing the good guy is suppose to win, it is written that way in the script, he will not be injured because they need him for a sequel.  He is in no danger, it is all make believe and he knows that after the scene he will go home to his mansion complete with body guards, camera surveillance’s and killer dogs to protect him from the public at large. You on the other hand could just as easily be killed if you try to go find the criminal(s).

Once you know that someone has broken into your home your defensive “plan” should begin…….

To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the #Gun Sense series, it is available as an ebook and a Paperback at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.