Archive for February, 2010
Hello, This is about a very important upcoming case, McDonald v. City of Chicago. In Chicago you cannot legally own a handgun for self defense, and have not been able to since 1982, unless of course your a criminal who could care less about whats legal. Mr. McDonald has filed a suit that in essence says his Second Amendment rights, (note: along with every honest citizen of Chicago) has been unconstitutionally taken away by Chicago ‘law makers’, (Obama’s buddy’s).
Pay attention, on March 2, 2010 this case will be argued before the Supreme Court. Normally we as Americans should not feel anxiety over what the outcome would be concerning our rights under the Constitution. The Supreme Courts job, supposedly, is to unbiasedly interpret the Constitution, period. That is where the anxiety comes in, based on the Heller case in 2008, Heller v. the District of Columbia, where the Supreme Court decided along purely ideological party lines, 5 to 4, in what should have been a unanimous decision. Heller and the American people won that case in favor of the individuals right to own firearms in D.C. for protection, by only one vote. It was that close vote that showed me how fragile or rights have become, and how corrupted members of the Supreme Court have become. The left wing, anti gun justices voted against gun ownership, it was clearly along party lines. Be afraid, be very afraid when that is how our rights will be decided.
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the states will have the same rights that D.C. (a federal enclave) now enjoys. The answer should be a clear ‘yes’, but with the recent nomination of Sotomayor, who stated in a past decision, as a member of a New York appeals court, “the Second Amendment did not apply to the states”. So I suppose in her twisted view, the Second Amendment was written for some other country?
McDonald’s case is backed by 38 states that argue the Second Amendment should protect people against city and state regulation because the right to bear arms is “fundamental to the American scheme of justice”. Personally I wonder why there are not 50 states backing the McDonald case, when did the other 12 states go communist?
The anti -gun group, Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, along with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and two other police groups, (no less) have joined their anti Second Amendment forces in a “friend to the court brief” cautioning how a Supreme Court decision could affect gun regulations, (they really mean ‘restrictions’) nation wide. GOOD! Can you say “Police State”?
I feel that the police chiefs are upset that they may lose their dictatorial and arbitrary discretion leverage over honest citizens. Most of these Chiefs are unqualified, appointed political hacks, that are true only to their anti Constitution, left wing political masters, (the progressives). I do not put much weight behind their feigned ‘concern’ for the rights or safety of honest American citizens, they should be more concerned in curbing crime, not defeating our Second Amendment! It is hard for me to believe any of them were even born in America, certainly not my America! I am sure they would be in their glory if America were a police state.
Everyone should be watching this McDonald v. City of Chicago case closely this year, watch how the Supreme Court justices rule. What should be a unanimous decision, based in honest interpretation of the Constitution as intended by our Founders, I fear will not be very honest, but instead will be along ideological ‘left vs. right’ party lines, which, in their position, should be unconscionable, and not how the Supreme court was intended to work.
Mark Shean- written 2-28-2010
UPDATE: We The People, along with the Second Amendment have won. The Supreme court has ruled, 5-4 that the Second Amendment is the individuals right to keep and bear arms! It is officially the law of the land. Now we can begin to see draconian anti gun laws all over the country begin to crumble as challenges to them are made! But, the vote was along party lines which means four of those ‘honerable’ justices were not true to the Constitution and our Founders meaning. It could have easily gone the other way and plunged the country into civil war, because they feel ‘party’ is more important than country.
Steve Forbes and Mike Huckabe have at least five things in common that I can readily call to mind. One is that they have both run for office as Presidential candidates, and were qualified to do so. Second, they both wanted smaller less intrusive Government. Third, they both have produced proof of birth, (original birth certificate) as required by law to run for President, and did not spend millions in courts to hide them from the public. Fourth they are intelligent men who have a firm grasp of economics, with prior experience in business and/or running a state government. Fifth, they were both advocates for a ‘flat tax’ or ‘fair tax’ system that would abolish the IRS, and they fully understand and explain the benefits this would bring to an economy on the verge of collapse.
To put it lightly, the IRS tax codes are a convoluted conundrum of conflicting contradictions. When given the same hypothetical tax problem, no two ‘tax experts’ can come up with the same answer. What chance do you think you have to get it right? It is designed that way to find anyone guilty, at any time, of ‘tax’ discrepancies/fraud. Lest we forget, we must sign our tax returns on penalty of perjury! Perjury is in the eye of the beholder, the IRS, they can manipulate it how ever they want.
The IRS should be abolished. The IRS is the epitome of a bottomless pit of incompetent bureaucracy. Both, Forbes and Huckabe recognize this and want to lift the burden, and threat, from the downtrodden middle class tax payer. Both men are absolutely correct, and the next candidate that comes along supporting the same views of abolishing the IRS we all had better pay close attention. Private sector employees should not hold some kind of a monopoly on being laid off, why should federal employees be exempt? I am sure the Mafia could use more muscle, and has openings that could absorb many IRS employees well versed in ruthless strong arm tactics. That could shorten the lines at the unemployment office.
As it stands now, supporting the payroll for IRS employees and its infrastructure is like supporting another military branch, complete with its own fleet of aircraft carriers, air force, and all the layers of personnel that an operation like that would entail. Administrations have not been above using the IRS as a weapon of intimidation against their political opponents. Why would any politician, already corrupted by power, want to willingly lose such a weapon of intimidation? They need only point and let loose the IRS mad dogs to savagely do their bidding. I believe this is precisely why the subject of abolishing the IRS will never be brought forth by the present cowards in Congress.
The fight to rid ourselves of the broken IRS, we must, by necessity, begin by ridding ourselves of politicians that have been embedded, like ticks, in office far too long, by replacing them with a new breed of politician that will not only broach the subject of eliminating the IRS, but will also do something about it. If that means a third party such as the Tea Party for instance, lets bring it on. I firmly believe the American public will overwhelmingly support a flat tax over the tax schemes/scams/intimidation tactics we all have endured for so long. Our country cannot begin to grow, as it could otherwise, while still under the thumb of a very confusing, (to be kind) and undeniably broken IRS tax code system.
If this, or any administration is truly serious about lowering the deficit, and improving the economy, it could be started in a HUGE way by abolishing the incompetent IRS and going to a fair/flat tax. The savings to the American tax payer by not supporting such a huge burden would be immediately felt by all who work for a living! When every American is fearful of a Government entity such as the IRS, where could there be any redeeming quality for keeping such an entity?
This quote, taken from the Herald, by columnist Don Fender, sums up the IRS nicely. “If the IRS were a business audited by the IRS, its offices would be padlocked, its assets seized and its owners contemplating a stay at Allenwood Federal Prison Camp.”
Mark Shean- written 2-20-2010
A Republic is a government of law under a Constitution. The Constitution holds the government in check and prevents the majority (acting through their government) from violating the rights of the individual. Under this system of government a lynch mob is illegal. The suspected criminal cannot be denied his right to a fair trial even if the majority of the citizenry demands otherwise.
A democracy is majority rule and is destructive of liberty because there is no law to prevent the majority from trampling on individual rights. Whatever the majority says goes! A lynch mob is an example of pure democracy in action, the only dissenting vote is cast by the unfortunate person with the noose around his neck!
A Republic and a democracy are often taken as one and the same thing, but there is one huge fundamental difference. Whilst in both cases the government is elected by the people, in a democracy the majority rules according to their whims, whilst in the Republic the Government rule is according to law. This law is framed in our Constitution and meant to directly limit the power of our Government ensuring some rights and protection to minorities and individuals.
Anyone who claims our Constitution is a ‘living document’ meant to be molded and changed with the times is a socialist ‘progressive’ bent on destroying the very fabric of America. Abe Lincoln sees it this way;(“Important principles may, and must, be inflexible.”) We cannot allow their progressive notions of ‘change’ to happen, it would ruin us as a nation, this, history shows. If we bend our principles, they are not principles any more.
To ‘progressives’ our Constitution is a despised roadblock in the pathway of their agenda to ‘fundamentally change America’, and they have been working for decades to undermine the Constitution and our way of life. A very real attempt to bankrupt America is underway by progressives this minute, by doing so they will argue the need to ‘suspend’ our Constitution in the wake of their self made “crisis” in order to ‘save’ America. As A.G. Eric Holder said,”Never let a crisis go to waste”. During the State of the Union Address, Obama acknowledged the Republicans as “my Republican friends”, but I noted that he acknowledged the Democrats as “my ‘progressive’ friends”, he did not call them democrats at all.
Here is another word from Abraham Lincoln; (“We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution.“)
He knew, as well as many great men in our past understood, that absolute power corrupts absolutely, this is why it was so very important to have a Republic, with the ‘checks and balances’ built into the framework of our Constitution. These checks and balances are not found in any definition of a democracy, these are the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. Patrick Henry warned; (“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force you are ruined“)
Elected officials in D.C. have accosted our First Amendment, (McCain/Fiengold bill), and our Second Amendment for years because they have become corrupted by being in power for to long, these amendments have become roadblocks to their far reaching, treasonous, agendas. If they become successful in their schemes it will effect all future generations of Americans and will strip away long fought for freedoms, forever.
We the People have two choices to make sure that will not happen.
1. Vote these unbelievably arrogant incumbents out of office, they have by far overstayed their welcome, and they have demonstrated that they are Constitutionally challenged in their knowledge of the Constitution they solemnly swore to uphold. (I believe the first choice is the best way.)
2. The second way has already been done in the past, read your history books, (the books that have not been rewritten yet by the ‘progressives’) it was called the American Revolution. Let us hope we are not forced to repeat history in that respect, but stand ready.
Thomas Jefferson warns us; (“ The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.“)
So, is it important to understand the difference between a Republic and a democracy? You bet your freedom and stability it is!
Mark Shean- written 2-17-2010
The following is written in order that people will understand the difference between a Democracy and a Republic, they are not the same exact thing. Even Harvard educated Obama ‘appears’ not to know the difference as he constantly refers to America as a democracy in his speeches on television.
(“A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government, it can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves *largess out of public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that Democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a Dictatorship“)
Note; [This was written by Professor, Alexander Fraser Tytler, nearly 200 years ago, based on his studied knowledge of past world history.] *Lar-gess, noun, (lahr-jes, lahr-jis)= {Liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or condescending manner.} Does allowing illegal immigrants social security benefits ring a bell? How about giving them educations on your dime? Giving them ‘free’ health care when they have not even paid into our system. Or does giving incentives by rewarding welfare moms to stay home to keep popping out illegitimate babies, that the working tax payers have to house, feed and clothe ring any bells?
Bailing out huge banks and corporations and car companies that by rights in a free market should have failed due to bad internal management, forcing their debt and failures on the American working tax payer. You get the picture, and this is the first time in American history were the do-nothing, lay-a- bouts actually outnumber the workers. That means they can and will out vote you in order to get more freebies, (largess) paid for by you!
Pay attention working Americans, not much incentive left to go to work is there? Democracy results in ‘mobocracy’ which is political control by a mob. Democracy is the “direct” rule of the people, whether it is based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. A democracy is governed by ‘whim’, not rule of law and has been repeatedly tried without success throughout history.
This is why our Founding Fathers created America as a Republic instead of a democracy. They made a very marked distinction between a Republic and a democracy and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had founded a Republic. They knew with educated certainty that democracies were doomed to fail, just as history had repeatedly shown. Please stay tuned, the difference is made crystal clear on page 2 above, Mark Shean- written 2-17-2010
Gun Sense #18, Misplaced LTC or FID in Ma.?
I hope this does not happen to you, but if you ever lose, (as in opps, where is it?) your Ma. Firearm License, LTC or FID you can get it replaced by going to……
To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the Gun Sense series, it is available as an Ebook and a Paperback at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.
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