Archive for October, 2016
Trump is correct when he says the election is rigged when all the moderators attack him with clever innuendo but use no such tactics with Hillary, trying to sway the public one way or another is not their job.
Trump is correct when he says the election is rigged through voter fraud, that is a FACT the media squashes, there are huge examples of this happening in the last few elections….all in the Dem-o-rats favor of course. Why not, criminal behavior is Hillary’s bread and butter.
Trump is correct that the election is rigged. It is rigged through the media driven polls that slant for Hillary in the hope you just stay home on election day……….DONT stay home, polls have been shown to lie over and over again, Reagan’s election was a prime example.
Trump is correct when he says the election is rigged when the media latches onto hearsay as fact, when any court in the country would toss the unsubstantiated accusations out instantly, but not the slanted media.
And last but not least, Trump is correct when he says the election is rigged when the power hungry GOP elites are against him and are disenfranchising millions of the ‘common’ people that nominated Trump to represent them. The media uses it against Trump in a way as to say that he must be bad, the GOP will not endorse him…….F**K the GOP!!
I say get out and VOTE, show all the power hungry elites that hate Trump that you know why they hate Trump…….because he/we are about to bring the power BACK TO WE THE PEOPLE by GOD!!
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