Archive for September, 2019
About Me:
I am originally from the state of Maine, the gun culture is opposite,(as far as respect for a persons Second Amendment rights) from Ma. were we live now. I am a MA. State Basic Firearms Safety Course Instructor since 1999, Former NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor, NRA instructor in six other disciplines.
The only published Firearm Instructor in Ma. GUN SENSE rated #1 on Amazon.
A Nuclear Security Officer at Pilgrim Station since 1987 to present, as well as a former Security President of Local 540 SPFPA. I have been a Merchant Marine, a painting contractor, a mason, a ditch digger, a water mechanic, and co-business owner LLC, entrepreneur/inventor (pat. pending) on a shotgun part for the KSG. Installed many a foundation pump by hand, did my share of work in the woods, rode dirt/street bikes, have been involved in the organized shooting sports since 1963, have a current technician class HAM radio operator license. I like to hunt when I can find a couple of spare minutes.
My blogs consist of words from the Founding Fathers, past and present letters to the editor, also my ‘Gun Sense’ series,(50 and counting). My writing style is my own. I lacked money to attend an overpriced left wing indoctrination center, oops, I mean college, and would only have given the ‘progressive’ professors migraine’s had I been able to attend one. I am just one of the unwashed masses, and of no real concern to the ‘lefty’ lame stream media.
What It Means To Be an American To Me -blog post
In my view, the Constitution is not open to ‘interpretation’, it is a static document. The Constitution is only as strong as the current generation is to uphold and protect it, so protect it! If people want to keep their rights they must Be Strong, Be Proactive, Be Aware, Pay Attention, hold your elected servants feet to the fire! Remember, WE give them permission to work for US, and when they fail to represent US it is OUR duty to remove them from office to protect the continuance of OUR freedoms! Your children’s children should enjoy the same freedoms past generations, (you & I) have enjoyed, its up to US to ensure they do.
NRA and Relevance -blog post
America was founded as a Republic, the Founders were adamant about that, lest we forget. If we do forget, we are lost. Do you understand the difference? If not please read;
Is America a Democracy? Clearly no! page 1 of 2 + Republic versus Democracy, made clear, page 2 -blog posts
Socialists/Progressive’s don’t want our children to know what the Founders of this nation knew. Left wing run schools, (indoctrination centers) are ‘reinventing‘ history and feeding lies to our children as ‘fact’….its up to US to teach them!
Make America Great Again!! Go Mr. President Trump!!!
What do you think of any politicians that do not uphold the solemn oath to office that they are required to take in order to serve you? You know, that silly embarrassing little formality, the oath they swear on the HOLY Bible too, the one about upholding and defending the Constitution, and adhering to the entire Constitution. OH,,, THAT OATH!! My generous side says they should all be recalled, my vindictive side says they should all be tried for treason, impeached and/or imprisoned. Either way they should be gone! Breaking their oath, under existing law/tradition is high treason. The problem is, they are the ‘fox’ guarding the ‘hen house’ in a manner of speaking. Term limits implemented by you in the voting booth will cure this chronic problem that is dangerous to our freedoms!
As I saw it & see it still -blog post
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide” John Adams
{Firearm Education Will Save Lives, Firearm Ignorance Can End Lives}. Ignorance of history can end our Freedoms.
“Whenever the time shall come when we must choose between a loss of our constitutional rights and a revolution, I shall choose the latter”. –SAM HOUSTON-
Disarmament based on the acts of criminals, the mentally ill, or Muslims, is not acceptable.
“But to ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the innocent and law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless, and that the law will permit them to have only such rights and liberties as the lawless will allow.
For society does not control crime, ever, by forcing the law-abiding to accommodate themselves to the expected behavior of criminals.
Society controls crime by forcing the criminals to accommodate themselves to the expected behavior of the law-abiding.” Jeff Snyder
Any “Gun Free Zone” sign shows what, ( ’progressive’ ) liberal oath breaking politicians and the U.N. would love to do to our entire country. They would put us all at the mercy of criminals and corrupt government as a by-product of their self-serving anti-Constitution schemes, they are trying too now. Do Not Turn A Blind Eye To It ! Let them know that it runs contrary to the oath they took, and it will be political suicide should they push their luck by trying.
To me it seems absurd that we should worry about elected ‘Representatives’ in this light, but their actions show we need to watch them closely. Please, talk to your children about their rights, ( liberal left wing teachers will not tell them) you need to, that they may carry on the fight for their rights someday, this fight never ends.
Children,Their Future Rights,Are We Overlooking Them? -blog post.
Mark Shean Sr. author of Gun Sense, now #1 on Amazon.