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Instructor Releases Massachusetts Firearm Safety Book, “Gun Sense”

Ammoland Inc. Posted on June 28, 2019 by Ammoland

Gun Sense - Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety
Gun Sense – Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety

Plymouth, Massachusetts – -( When Plymouth local Mark Shean started training people on firearms safety in Massachusetts, he saw a void in materials to help guide his students. It was over 10 years ago that he started his blog Gun Sense. Today, Mark is happy to announce the compilation & release of his articles into one comprehensive guide, “Gun Sense – Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety“.

Gun Sense” is a book for everyone. The primary focus is safety. Shean takes readers on a journey through basic firearms safety, gun handling & Massachusetts specific subjects. More importantly, Shean talks about what to teach your children about firearms…how to do it & when. In an entertaining & easy to follow narrative Shean teaches the important lessons needed to keep accidents from happening. The biggest lesson he imparts is that individuals engage their brains. From the book Shean offers sage instruction:

“Now I am going to let you in on a secret; YOU are any firearms best safety. YOU are the master safety, you can NEVER trust a manmade safety on ANY firearm… do not think for a second that it gives you license to carelessly handle that firearm! Remember that #1 rule, TREAT EVERY FIREARM AS LOADED AT ALL TIMES…That has to be our mindset. Weapons’ safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours. Practice safe weapons’ handling until it becomes a habit.”

Other topics that are covered in “Gun Sense” include:

  • How to obtain a Massachusetts Class A or B License to Carry (LTC)
  • How to obtain a Massachusetts Class C Firearms Identification Card (FID)
  • If you need a “Reason” letter to get your firearms permit, how to write one…
  • How to write a recommendation for a colleague or friend
  • How to deal with firearms in an inheritance
  • Massachusetts Gun Law in general
  • Op-eds on rights and politics
  • And much much more….

The kindle version of the book is extensively cited with links internally and externally to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 140, Code of Massachusetts Regulations 527 chapter 1 and other articles/resources for the reader to enjoy or gain a greater understanding. The paperback version contains the text version of links to direct readers should the wish to take their reading further on an internet-enabled device.

Gun Sense” is available in both e-book & paperback form on Amazon. You can find it by searching “Mark Shean Sr. Gun Sense” or by following this link.

A review from an award winning journalist about my book Gun Sense, today.

U.S.A. – -( “A little over a year ago, I was tasked with editing and formatting a book for a firearms instructor I had met through his class,” Second Amendment advocate, writer, and editor John Petrolino told me in an email. He was inquiring about my policy on book reviews.
“The book is on firearm safety, in general with … emphasis on dealing with being a gun owner in Massachusetts,” Petrolino explained. “He has some entertaining op-eds in it as well. The book is extracted from the author’s blog and I’ve spent the past year, really six months with solid focus, working on it.”

You don’t have to be from Massachusetts to get a lot of value from Shean’s book.
He was talking about “Gun Sense – Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety,” by firearms instructor Mark Shean Sr.

“I’m always willing to look,” I replied. “My ‘rule’ is simple– I only give good reviews. That because it’s not fair for me to discourage someone else’s labor of love. I won’t endorse something and encourage readers to spend money on it unless it’s something I believe in. So basically, unless I can say something nice, I won’t say anything at all.”

The fact that I’m saying something now means I have no reservations about recommending gun owners buy this book, although after making time to read it I decided I’d need to postpone my review for a bit because AmmoLand had already reviewed it. Go read that one, because it gives a good overview of the types of topics you’ll find, as does perusal of the Amazon page, especially with the “Look Inside” preview and the reader reviews.

Starting out, I had my doubts. I’m not a lawyer and Shean’s not a lawyer. Besides, gun laws, especially those of states I don’t live in, don’t exactly make for light or fun reading if approached by themselves. Also, candidly, the title put me off at first, because “gun sense” is a term that’s been co-opted by the antis, more specifically by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown, with its vacuous “pledge to be a gun sense voter.”

They also call citizen disarmament edicts “common-sense gun safety laws,” and it suddenly hit me what Shean was doing – he was taking back a term from frauds with an agenda. Those who understand the Founders’ intent for the Second Amendment and who have applied training and discipline to responsibly own and use firearms are the ones who can truly use — and rightfully claim — the term “gun sense”

Genuine common sense comes through loud and clear in Shean’s book, no doubt cultivated from his background, which includes all kinds of practical and useful experiences and skills. It comes across in his writing and I soon realized it felt more like he was talking to me than I was reading his words. It’s a gift to be able to do that.

So how about some more specifics about the actual content?
Again, I’ll point you to the prior AmmoLand review, and browsing through the Amazon preview should give you a “flavor” for what to expect. Several quick-to-read chapters are included there covering subjects like the lethal dangers of “unloaded guns,” educating children, misfires and hang fires, squib loads, “uncontrolled bullets,” ceasing fire, dry-firing, safeties, home safety slugs and defensive loads, and “the aftermath of defending your family/home.”

There’s also a chapter included in the preview “specific to MA” on litigation challenging arbitrary police decisions on gun licensing.” That and discussions of Massachusetts laws and regulations should not put off gun owners who live in other states.

It’s instructive to see what kind of harassment citizen disarmament bullies impose when they can get away with it through Democrat majorities, and you’d better believe similar efforts to gain traction for such infringements are already underway in your state. The plan is for an incrementally disarmed United States, and if you don’t believe that, you haven’t been paying attention, which the gun-grabbers are counting on.

Part of being an effective advocate is being an informed one. “Gun Sense” is a book for every gun owner who understands the critical necessity of that.

About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

Submitted by Mark Shean Sr. author of GUN SENSE, now on Amazon.

I think that we all can agree that laws do not stop anyone who has the intension of breaking them, from breaking them, evil intent can not be stopped by legislation. Only certain politicians pretend not to know this.

Anytime someone with a gun commits a crime, politicians, backed by the disingenuous media networks start pounding the drum for ‘gun control’, like more gun laws/controls would have stopped what ever it was that the criminal did. We have recently witnessed a string of bomb attacks on our east coast, I am steering this conversation toward ‘control’. How long do you suppose that explosives have been illegal and the use of them ‘controlled’? A very long time. Now do you suppose that the person who made the bombs out of pressure cookers and pipe bombs gave one hoot in hell about them being illegal?  Do you think the Boston Marathon bombers cared ? How are all of the laws and ‘control’ pertaining to explosives working out these days?

Alcohol abuse and all the resulting death and destruction from it nationwide…….there are laws designed with the explicit intension to stop people from harmfully misusing alcohol yet there are far more deaths yearly related to it than from firearms, in accidents or crime related. How are the legal ‘controls’ governing alcohol working out?

Heroin is illegal, it is also an epidemic all over the country. Families torn apart, crime, usually in the form of homes being burglarized as addicts attempt to get their next ‘fix’. In Massachusetts heroin is not even treated as a crime anymore….politicians evidently don’t care, people are overdosing everyday, just check out the obituaries’ in your local fish wrapper,(news paper).

Firearms? lets see, machineguns have been outlawed since the 1930s, there are no so-called ‘assault weapons’ in private civilian hands without a huge background check and very expensive license. Maybe someone could contact the phony ‘journalists’  in the media to investigate……

Oath breakers,(elected public servants) screaming for more and more gun control know that they are overlooking the FACT that laws do not stop evil intensions, and disarming law abiding citizens is not a way that citizens can protect themselves from madmen….Just look at the loons shooting up the Wal-Marts recently, ask a politician which law would have stopped them.

Never allow any politician to disarm you, never comply.

Mark Shean Sr. author of GUN SENSE, rated #1 on Amazon!