Archive for October, 2009
On Oct. 27th in the news, a vicious knife attack occurred at the Ma. General Hospital in Boston, wherein the victim of this attack, Astrid Desrosiers, a doctor, was stabbed multiple times by a psychiatric patient, Jay Carciero, 37, who was there for a scheduled appointment. Also on the same floor at the time of the attack was an armed off duty, (note, civilian) security officer, Paul Langone. District Attorney Daniel Conley, in his news conference described the actions of Paul Langone as ‘under investigation’ but reluctantly conceded Mr. Langone’s actions likely saved the life of the doctor and possibly others as well.
When I heard this story on the channel 7 evening news, (which I rarely watch) the thing that stood out to me, in crystal clear fashion, was the questions directed to the A.G. by the media. They were all along the lines of why did Paul Langone have a gun, instead of how did the assailant get the knife, or what is the condition of the doctor? Did Langone have a permit for that gun? Why was he there on that floor? Are you going to file charges against Mr. Langone for carrying a gun? Can he legally carry a gun in Boston? Did he have the right to shoot the assailant? The District Attorney looked like he was walking on a tightrope twenty stories high with no net in thirty mile an hour gusts. It was obvious to me that he would have loved to say that he wanted to hang Mr. Langone from the highest tree, but could not say it.
When all is said and done, to his chagrin, the A.G. will probably have to pin a medal on Mr. Langone, and the media will have the uncomfortable and distasteful job of covering the ceremony of a legal gun owning hero. Something tells me that the doctor he saved will not be trying to second guess Langone’s actions, or find fault in legal gun ownership after she recovers, I would be happy to give her the gun safety course putting her on the right path to gun ownership, so that if there is ever a next time she will not need to hope for another miracle to save her.
The next day in the Boston Herald this story was back on page five, the front cover was completely taken up by a story about city workers visiting Facebook while they work! Shock of shocks! Almost all of page two was concerned with some big baby Celtic basketball player that broke his thumb in a fight, real news worthy stuff. Page three was devoted to the dead pervert waco Jaco’s movie review, the Herald certainly has its priorities straight! Page four was a carry over from from the front page about city workers using Facebook during work hours, big big news! And finally on page five a small article about the stabbing victim,(doctor) being saved by a citizen with a legal gun. I guarantee that if the doctor had died at the hands of the madman, and there had been no one to stop him, that it would have been front page news, without a shadow of a doubt! What do you think?
The National Enquirer looks more credible than the Boston Herald, and has for quite some time, sad. It has been ruled in court, (at least ten times across the country and in the Supreme Court) that the state has no obligation to protect the individual from being murdered by criminals or madmen. That is a loud and clear message that we are on our own! The thing that burns me to no end is this, places that deny you your right to gun ownership, or strictly restrict it, will also state that you or your surviving family have no case against the city or state if you are murdered, officials take no responsibility, but they will do their best to throw you in jail if you disobey their “reasonable gun control measures”.
I would like to hear your comments on this, or any of my articles. I strongly suggest that all incumbents are voted OUT of office, that we may start fresh with people that are not afraid of our Second Amendment! Please send your prayers for the Doctors speedy recovery. Mark Shean written 10-31-2009
Note: An April 1st 2010 article, (blurb) in the Boston Hearld,( No Charges for hero off-duty officer who shot knife wielding man at MGH). Almost 7 months after the fact, the D.A. Daniel Conley finally says, following the ‘investigation’, that Langone acted to defend himself and Dr. Astrid Desrosiers when he fired the three shots. (It took me ten seconds to figure that out back in Oct.) M.S. 4-1-2010
In Massachusetts if you go through the ‘hoops that many towns in the state force you to jump through in order to exercise your right to self defense, and are not successful in gaining your LTC or FID, the police must, (by law) within 40 days send to you a written notification stating the reason(s) that you are being denied. If you do not agree with the reason(s) stated than you have at your disposal a remedy in which to challenge the police decision. The police may not be ‘arbitrary, capricious or abuse their discretion’ in denying a gun license, the petitioner would need to show that he/she believed they were being so, you need to……
To read this chapter in full, and any other articles in the #Gun Sense series, it is available as an Ebook and a Paperback at Amazon under:
Gun Sense Massachusetts Gun Law Information and Common Sense Firearm Safety By Mark R. Shean Sr.
Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!! Check out GUN SENSE now.
Submitted by Mark Shean Sr. author of GUN SENSE, Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!!
NRA and Relevance, in my opinion.
Gun control, sounds reasonable when politicians speak on it and the media lets the phrase slide on by without any follow-up questions. Gun control has nothing what-so-ever to do with crime, or guns, they are the scapegoat, it is one hundred percent about attempting political control over our lives. You see, there are plenty of laws already on the books dealing with crime, yet crime happens, laws cannot stop evil intent, and when a particularly brutal crime grabs the headlines most politicians see an opportunity to get their mugs in the paper or on television to push their anti gun , anti Second Amendment agenda/crap. The billionaire socialist Bloomberg, once mayor of New York city is one such example, all high profile New York/Ma./Ca./NJ/Chicago politicians are prime examples.
The politicians and police, in their frustration to stop crime focus their attention on an easy target, you. This is why the NRA is the hated organization of many socialist leaning politicians, because the NRA comes to your defense. The NRA has over 4 million members and fights extremely hard to preserve our Second Amendment freedoms. Is the NRA relevant? You bet your firearm freedom it is. There are an estimated 100 million law abiding gun owners in the United States, if they were to all suddenly join the NRA, politicians would pale and never dare speak of gun control again, it would become political suicide to do so. Is the NRA relevant, again, you bet your overall freedom it is. And because so many politicians hate the NRA that is all the endorsement I need to be a member.
Mark Shean-
My NRA membership # 022402844
written 10-10-2009
My new book GUN SENSE is Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!!