Archive for June, 2020

These organized, well funded, so-called ‘protestors’/rioters…They are so ignorant, (examples of todays public school education?) that they know absolutely nothing of history. Tearing down statues does not change the past. But it should alter their future with jail time and a record for defacing/destroying public property.

To stop the anarchy, follow the money trail, cut the head of the snakes at the top, off. I doubt our ‘intelligence’ community is up to the task, they are still ‘unable’ to tie Hillary Clinton to her crimes……criminal conspirators covering for her. That’s our FBI and the so-called Department of ‘Justice’…

Mark Shean

After 30 days in FB jail for conservative comments, nothing rude, slanderous, or untrue,,,,I’m back. My comments must have melted a few sheltered snowflakes.

One of the things that happened in that 30 days, President Trump signed an Executive order stripping away the liability shield that FB and Twitter enjoyed, that opens these two First Amendment censorship happy monopolies up for lawsuits.

I will be happy to join a class action suit to sue them out of their arrogance and distain of free speech.

Mark Shean

Author of GUN SENSE on Amazon