Part 8, Epstein Flight logs, (final) starting on page 109 to last page 116.
On page 109 two (?) instead of names, more initials listed and three new names up to page 110. Alan Dershowitz shows up on four flights going from Ma. to Quebec and from Ma. to NJ, but never south to the Virgin Islands. There are six (?) on page 111. From page 112 through 116, dates from 3-3-06 all the way through 12-28-2015 it becomes very disturbing, not one name listed at all on the logs, only 117 (?) listed, from flights all around the US and a few international, mainly going to the St. Thomas Virgin Islands???? ARE THESE ALL CHILDREN!!? There are dozens of (?) listed up to page 112, but then it explodes! I will put out a summary tomorrow that will probably lead to the Custom Service and their HUGE failures under the law concerning these logs. I will cite the laws.

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