Whose Guns need to be controlled?
There’s no doubt America needs to curb gun use and possession, the question is whose guns? There are 34,500 members on the NYPD, and in 2012 they fatally shot 16 people. That gives Bloomberg’s former army a rate of 46 shooting deaths per 100,000, killing people at a clip that dwarfs any civilian level in the country…..
To put it into perspective, Chicago, an American city known for gun violence, hit its peak murder rate of 34 per 100,000 in 1992. American law enforcement is increasingly militarized, why? Radley Balko reports in his book ‘Rise of the Warrior Cop’: “Driven by martial rhetoric and the availability of military style equipment, from bayonets and M-16 rifles, to armored personnel carriers, American police forces have often adopted a mindset previously reserved for the battlefield”. So while gun violence has markedly declined, why the police military buildup? What do they think they are preparing to do?
While Bloomberg is squaring up to spread irrational fears about armed Mormon cattle ranchers and NRA members gone wild, we should be more worried about guns in the hands of the police. One ‘unidentified’, (to protect the guilty) Connecticut police officer recently stated that he can hardly wait until he gets the order to kick in doors to confiscate firearms……I guess he just needs the go ahead from oath breaking politicians to gleefully become a state sanctioned thief….
For Bloomberg to further his agenda he is counting/playing on the majority of the public’s ignorance about guns to push his disarmament agenda/scheme for CONTROL, a time honored tactic of any tyrant worth his weight in lies…..
The biggest most irresponsible gun owner in the country isn’t some redneck or a deranged teen plotting a massacre from his basement; it is the STATE in my opinion. There is a lot of history to back that opinion up. Governments have been responsible for wholesale genocide throughout history…..but first the People had to be disarmed….!
Laws of any sort can not prevent bad human behaviors. The term ‘Crime Prevention’ means nothing to any educated person in the gun control debate.
Can violence be ‘prevented’ by any law? If laws did ‘prevent’ bad things from happening there would be no violent crimes, or crime at all. Is that the case? Anywhere in the world, NO. Example, prisons are the most controlled places on earth, and there is plenty of crime/violence/murder going on inside those locked little societies. How then can laws/wishful thinking prevent violence in an open free society? It can’t.
We need laws of course, I am not saying that we don’t. They are in place to prosecute the people that are caught after they commit the crimes that are against these laws, that’s all, if they get caught at all. The police are the clean up crew, after the gruesome crime/fact. Mainly they are revenue collectors with quota’s to fill for the state coffers from people they know are working for a living, speeding tickets and such. Tougher to get money from criminals….they can’t.
Can any law keep guns out of the hands of criminals? Of course not. The ‘gun ban’ crowd knows this, they claim their cause is to stop crimes with guns, they hope the majority of the public can not see through that lie. Their aim is disarmament of law abiding citizens, plain and simple. Why? CONTROL, hard to CONTROL the masses if they are ‘allowed’ to have firearms…….
So remember this, any candidate(s) that are spouting ‘gun control’ are liars bent on control of YOU. Any gun owner who would vote for any candidate(s) that are spouting ‘gun control’ would be the equivalent of a turkey voting in favor of Thanksgiving!
Submitted 4-10-2015
Mark Shean, author of GUN SENSE, on amazon.